PRODUCT : HAHNEMUHLE AQUARELLSELECTION 12 PAPER PAD SIZE : 17 x 24 cm DESCRIPTION : Which paper is the right one for which watercolour technique? Anyone asking themselves this question should try out the Hahnemühle FineArt AquarellSelection pad. The selection of papers illustrates the diversity of surfaces and grammages available in the watercolour range. The Hahnemühle AquarellSelection pad contains 12 different qualities of Hahnemühle watercolour sheets: 7x mould-made: Hahnemühle 200 gsm, matt Hahnemühle 200 gsm, rough Hahnemühle 300 gsm, matt William Turner 300 gsm Cézanne 300 gsm, matt Leonardo 600 gsm, rough 5 x Akademie: Cornwall 450 gsm, matt Cornwall 450 gsm, rough Britannia 300 gsm, rough Torchon 275 gsm Burgund 250 gsm, matt